Forever Fitness

Tips to lose weight, build muscle, and improve your body

How to Stay Healthy: Give Your Immune System a Boost

Posted by fitnesscoach101 on August 8, 2008

Ever heard of the phrase “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” – It’s true. The greatest way of keeping our body healthy is to not even get sick in the first place. Maintaining our immune system in its best condition is the best way to fight against disease.

A common myth is that we have no control whatsoever over our immune system. The truth is, eating the right types of foods and taking good care of your body will allow you to fight off infections much more quickly and easily. Here are some methods you can use to boost your immunity:

* Have a lot of antioxidants in your diet. These will include vitamins such as A, C ane E. Foods that are rich in antioxidants are blueberries, cherries, strawberries, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and tea. You may also have to take an antioxidant supplement each day due to the fact that it’s tough to get the daily recommended antioxidants through only a diet.

* Cut down on your sugar. Sugar tends to slow down the white blood cells, which will prevent your immune system from functioning efficiently. Keeping it away from your diets will make your health much better.

* Cut back on high fat foods. These are also harmful to your immune system. Having a lean diet will help you sustain a healthy weight and increase your immunity.

* Exercise often. Allow your blood to flow, which will let your white blood cells circulate within your body, and that means your white blood cells will be able to reach more germs and kill them quickly. Do your best to work out moderately at least 3-4 times per week.

* Keep your body clean. By that, I mean that you should drink a lot of water to flush your system. You may also want to get some colon cleansing items that you can utilize to get rid of bad toxins from your bodies once in a while. Doing this will get rid of harmful substances that can slow down your immune system.

* Consume vitamins, herbs, and minerals that help your immune system. Zinc does a great job of helping your immune system when you’re sick, and putting it in your diet or using a supplement will prevent you from getting sick at all. Herbs that can benefit your immune system are ones such as elderberry, astragalus, and garlic.

* Get a lot of rest. During your sleep, your body produces growth hormones that improve your immunity. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you won’t be able to produce the right amounts that you need. So make sure that you get a good amount of sleep each night.

Your immune system is an amazing part of your body. If you take good care of it, it’ll take great care of you. Having a healthy diet, frequent exercise, and adqequate rest will ensure that your immune systems are functioning properly. Then you’ll be able to spend less time being sick and more time having fun with your life.

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