Forever Fitness

Tips to lose weight, build muscle, and improve your body

Metabolism Stimulating Techniques

Posted by fitnesscoach101 on August 19, 2008

You’ve all heard it before: the greatest way to lose fat is to boost your metabolism. It sounds great, but how exactly do you do it? What can you do to enhance your metabolic rate and increase weight loss?

First, you have to know what exactly metabolism is so that you know what’s going to be effective and what isn’t. Metabolism is the speed at which your body processes energy (burns calories). This means that the higher your metabolism is, the more calories you will be burning. This is the reason why we see certain people eat like crazy, yet still stay thin.

There are many factors that can influence your metabolism. That’s why no one has the exact same metabolism and why many families tend to have similar metabolic rates. Age, sex, activity levels, genes, and food intake can all effect your metabolism. So now, lets take a look at how you can stimulate your metabolism so that you can begin to burn those stored fats.

1. Limit your stress. This means getting rid of problems and stressors in your life. Stress is well known to cause your body to keep its fat instead of burning it. This is because of the stress hormones that we can’t control.

2. Don’t skip meals! A lot of people don’t realize this, but when they go on a “starvation diet” to cut out significant calories, they’re actually being counter-productive. Your body enters survival mode and stores fat rather than use them. Due to the fact that you’re not giving your body its proper nutrients, it has to survive for itself and it will store your current fat and slow down metabolism to survive.

3. Do more daily activities. Kids are always running around and keeping a high level of activity, so they always have a very high rate of metabolism. They eat like crazy and don’t gain that much weight. The same thing applies to you. While you’re not exactly going to play in a playground or throw around a ball, you can try to get as much exercise as possible. For example, you can try walking to a the bus stop nearby. Or you can park far from your office or grocery store so that you have to walk more to get there. You may even want to use the stairwells instead of an elevator. These extra activities will improve your metabolism and health.

4. Build more muscles. Muscles will burn more calories, even while you’re at rest… so if you have more muscles, you’ll be able to burn more calories. If you don’t have that much time to head towards the gym to do weight training, you can try doing some at home exercises.
>>Read my article Can’t Get to the Gym? 5 Exercises For at Home Workouts to Build Your Muscles!
If you have time and get access to a gym, then it’s a great idea to set up a weekly schedule of weight lifting exercises.

5. Drink plenty of water. Many people carry drinks with them during the day, and most of the time those drinks actually aren’t water. Just think about it for a second: if you’re drinking something else, you’re just adding more calories to your body that you may not be active enough to burn off. Drink a lot of water instead so that you’re only taking in calories when you’re eat. Also, drinking water is great because sometimes your thirst may be disguised as hunger. Many times when you have to eat, you’re actually just thirsty… except you won’t realize this. So the next time you’re feeling a little hungry, try drinking something first to see if it will cut down on your snacking.

One Response to “Metabolism Stimulating Techniques”

  1. Eat Foods Rich In Vitamins & Minerals because cells in your body burn food into energy to maintain your bodily functions. The energy-burning metabolic process requires vitamins and minerals, which you can best source from fruits and vegetables.

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