Forever Fitness

Tips to lose weight, build muscle, and improve your body

9 Weight Loss Facts to Keep In Mind

Posted by fitnesscoach101 on August 14, 2008

Many people find that weight loss is one of the most difficult tasks. They always hop on top of a scale to see their progress, only go get disappointed. The reason why this happens is because many people don’t know about the essential weight loss facts. They are misled about information regarding weight loss. Before you go and get even more frustrated at losing weight, take a look at these important facts that will get you started on the right path.

Weight Loss Facts #1: Muscle Weights More Than Fat

If you’re exercising and weight lifting, don’t feel bad if it seems that there’s no progress on the scales. Even if you find that your weight is increasing, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting fatter. When you’re building muscle from exercising and weight lifting, you’ll see that the muscle weighs more than fat. Your main goal should be FAT LOSS rather than weight loss.

Weight Loss Facts #2: Starvation is Bad for the Metabolism

A lot of people think that by cutting back on calories, they’ll magically begin to lose lots of fat. The truth is that when you starve yourself, you’re being counter-productive. The reason is that your body enters survival mode, and does whatever it can to live: which means conserving your calories and slowing down your metabolism.

Weight Loss Facts #3: 2-Pound Per Week Weight Loss is Actually Good!

Many people get frustrated when they weigh in, and one of the reasons for this is because they set their goals too high. For example, the may aim for 5-10 pounds of weight loss in a week! While this is a possible goal for your first weigh in, it’s much harder in the future. Lowering your goals to something like 2-pounds per week is much more realistic, and it’s not bad… many people lose weight at that rate!

Weight Loss Facts #4: Exercise will Speed Up Weight Loss

Many people think that just going on a healthy diet is more than enough to lose weight. The reality of it is that you must exercise in order to reach your weight loss goals. Exercising (as well as weight lifting) will help you grow muscle mass, which will allow your body to burn much more calories each day.

Weight Loss Facts #5: Find Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism

It isn’t really that difficult to speed up your metabolism. All you need to do is exercise and eat specific types of foods. For example, green tea and spicy foods such as red peppers have proven to be great ways of raising metabolism. You can find green tea in pill forms, but since it tastes great, you might prefer to drink it instead!

Weight Loss Facts #6: Water will Stop you From Eating!

Most of the time, when people are hungry, the truth is that they’re really just feeling dehydrated. So the next time you have the urge to go and grab a snack, go for the water and drink a glass of it. You’ll most likely feel full after drinking that. If not, then at least it will fill up your stomach a bit so you won’t snack too much.

Weight Loss Facts #7: Fiber for Weight Loss

Did you know that fiber fills up your stomach and makes you feel full? Usually when you start off their day with healthy foods such as oatmeal and high fiber cereal, you’ll find that you won’t have to snack as much during the day until lunch. If you can eat high fiber lunches and dinners too, then that’s great! In addition to making you feel full, fiber will aid in fat loss by carrying fats out of your system.

Weight Loss Facts #8: Any Food In Small Amounts is Alright

One of the reasons why many people stop going on their weight loss programs is because they get rid of their favorite foods completely. If you do this, you’ll find it’s pretty hard to stay healthy for a long period of time. Instead of going on a completely new diet, change your life style up a bit. Allow yourself to eat your favorite foods once in a while, in moderation of course. If you completely cut out your favorite foods, you’ll eventually ditch all the healthy veggies and turn back to binging on junk foods! So give yourself a break once in a while!

Weight Loss Facts #9: Watch Your Pants

Remember: Your pants won’t lie to you. Even if your scale shows that you’ve been the same weight for a long time, remember that it’s how well your pants fit you. If you’re able to convert your fat into muscle, you’ll find that your weight loss will stop. Instead, just remember that you’re losing fat!

One Response to “9 Weight Loss Facts to Keep In Mind”

  1. herbie1 said

    I think the biggest challenge is sticking to a weight loss program – its easy to start any diet but to stick to it for weeks or months takes determination.

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