Forever Fitness

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Posts Tagged ‘metabolism’

Metabolism Stimulating Techniques

Posted by fitnesscoach101 on August 19, 2008

You’ve all heard it before: the greatest way to lose fat is to boost your metabolism. It sounds great, but how exactly do you do it? What can you do to enhance your metabolic rate and increase weight loss?

First, you have to know what exactly metabolism is so that you know what’s going to be effective and what isn’t. Metabolism is the speed at which your body processes energy (burns calories). This means that the higher your metabolism is, the more calories you will be burning. This is the reason why we see certain people eat like crazy, yet still stay thin.

There are many factors that can influence your metabolism. That’s why no one has the exact same metabolism and why many families tend to have similar metabolic rates. Age, sex, activity levels, genes, and food intake can all effect your metabolism. So now, lets take a look at how you can stimulate your metabolism so that you can begin to burn those stored fats. Read the rest of this entry »

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